Saturday, November 7, 2009


This is Sunnie
Sunnie is a Hypo leopard gecko.
I purchased Sunnie today from Pearce's.
Sunnie will be able to be breed in less than a year.
She is currently adapting to her new, but temporary, habitat of my quarintine tank.
In a month or two, after quarantining, she will be housed with Leah, my youngest gecko.


Diana_SD said...

Sunnie is beautiful! I hope she loves her new home. I know she will get good care.

Diana_SD said...

What does "high yellow" mean? What I mean is, is there a "low yellow"? Does it refer to her color or markings?

Diana_SD said...

What are you looking for during the quarantine period? How will you know if she is safe to move in with other geckoes? What diseases could she have that would prevent her from being used as a breeder?

Ryan said...

"high yellow" is simply her morph name. It has nothing to do with her markings or colors. The person who proved her morph named her such.

during the quarantine period you look for diseases. You look for weight loss or other signs of any leopard gecko diseases.
even if you do not see any problems you keep your new geckos quarintined for two months before introducing them to any other gecko, just in case. the only way i can think of that she would be unable to breed is if she dies from a disease, or is mentally scarred to the point where she is an outcast. And yes, i am being serius, they have personalities and some just reject the others.

Diana_SD said...

Very interesting! One vet recommended a 6-month quarantine!!

Ryan said...

6 month would be very effective, but i dont think it would be needed.

Ryan said...

she is not a high yellow... she is a hypo tangerine.

Ryan said...

ok she is not a hypo tangerine... she is just a hypo... meaning reduced black pigment... i think