Friday, March 5, 2010

The Bug Corner

Today i installed small black drawers on top of one of my shelves.
It has six drawers, in which i will house different generations of bugs called mealworms and superworms.
I will also breed mealworms and superworms, along with crickets.
I am currently housing my only mealworm colony on the top shelf, which are currently in their beetle stage.
I will be receiving one thousand mealworms and two hundred and fifty crickets on tuesday from
I will also be getting one dozen superworms to start my superworm colony tomorrow.
Look for later posts to learn more about my cricket, mealworm, and superworm colonies and how i breed them.

Here are some pictures:

This is a Superworm. They are much larger than mealworms.

Drawer for mealworms.

Mealworms in a beetle stage.


Diana_SD said...

Mmmmm! Yummy mealworms. Or at least that's what your leos must think.

Diana_SD said...

How long does it take to get a new generation of mealworms?